- Conversation Agent: 4 Reasons PR Agencies Are Failing in Social Media http://ff.im/-jnOBZ #
- Here come the mash-ups: Likebutton.me shows what Facebook friends are ‘liking’ across the web | VentureBeat http://ff.im/-jnOZH #
- RT @collegejourn Hey #collegejourn We are going to try next week's chat as a Twitter chat [suggested by @SaleemKhan and @benleis ] Post soon #
- @chrisbrogan Lol, I've never heard of anyone having too many Facebook friends. How many does he have? in reply to chrisbrogan #
- @andrew_dunn That is very cool. in reply to andrew_dunn #
- @greglinch @berkod @MacDivaONA I click on links like that (ex: from hootsuite) but I try to never reshare framed links. They annoy me. #
- RT @josholalia: Cool use of #SecondLife for work. RT @RitaJKing: Global Collaborative Storytelling Game in development: http://bit.ly/bUWzz5 #
- RT @eric_andersen: Remember all those Twitter stats from #Chirp Here they all are in one big infographic http://j.mp/dyke1X #
- A review by @sargent: Digital: A Love Story [Thanks for the comment, excellent blog] http://ff.im/-jqHQZ #
- Via @MacDivaONA: Police seize Gizmodo editor's computer re: iPhone 4G: http://cwu.me/9vqjHO Another "blogger = journalist?" lawsuit? #
- #2TwitMe RT @lizscherer Blackboard DC looking for a content marketing sr mgr http://bit.ly/bLZ3C6 #
- Learning From Failure: One Startup's Story of What Went Wrong http://ff.im/-jrngl #
- Next Question: Are The Police After Gawker Or The Person Who Took The iPhone? http://ff.im/-jrnnx #
- In DC? Want a great internship and the opportunity cover the social tech community? TECH Cocktail wants you – http://bit.ly/biZZaz #
- Apple Thinks This Tiger Woods Cartoon Is Too Mean For Your iPhone http://ff.im/-jryPh #
- Death and Taxes 2011 Shows Where Your Money Is Going http://ff.im/-jrBSF #
- I liked a YouTube video — Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? http://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY?a #
- Finally!!! Hootsuite lets you shorten links without their ridiculous social bar – http://ow.ly/1DMjc #
- I'm at George Mason University – Bull Run Hall (10900 University Blvd, Manassas). http://4sq.com/c9ncPw #
- Discuss: Powerpoint is the enemy? http://ff.im/-jukTH #
- Future Storytelling http://ff.im/-jutsg #
- For Facebook, we will creep over the Great Firewall – http://bit.ly/bZVT9R #
- For Facebook, we will creep over the Great Firewall http://ff.im/-jw5zq #
- The Pirate Bay, A Year After The Verdict http://ff.im/-jw5zp #
- The “CSI effect” http://ff.im/-jwjAT #
- @MacDivaONA Very cool article. A UPIU student just put up a story about social media as a primary reason people jump over the Great Firewall in reply to MacDivaONA #
- College Journo Cuffed in Cow Kerfuffle #collegejourn http://ff.im/-jx1TT #
- Checking in (@ United Press International (UPI)) http://4sq.com/cQoQnD #
- @MacDivaONA Sorry, meant to send that. Here it is – http://bit.ly/bZVT9R #
- CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer http://ff.im/-jx4r2 #
- HOW TO: Secure Your WordPress Blog http://ff.im/-jx4t0 #
- Print War Between NYT and WSJ Is Really About Digital http://ff.im/-jx4Jt #
- Can you get Wine to connect with Bluetooth? #
- HP buys Palm for $1.2 Billion http://ff.im/-jxBdQ #
- HP buys Palm. Not who I would have liked. #
- Washington Post Aims To Become Same Website As THE POLITICO http://ff.im/-jxC4Y #
- @nclarkjudd I'm trying out Ubuntu on a netbook. Can't figure out how to tether to a Palm Centro with Ubuntu, you know how? in reply to nclarkjudd #
- Going Global with Peking University – a discussion on the journalism industry in both China http://ff.im/-jyize #
- How 'This American Life' Attracted Donors with Mobile Giving http://ff.im/-jyoac #
- Ten States Now Contemplating Arizona-Like Anti-Immigration Legislation http://ff.im/-jyoep #
- Fwix Socializes Hyperlocal News http://ff.im/-jyoiu #
- Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters http://ff.im/-jyouN #
- The Cleverest Ways to Use Dropbox That You're Not Using [Dropbox] http://ff.im/-jyp27 #
- Quickly Showcase Themes With the New WPMU ThemeBrowser Plugin http://ff.im/-jyp5H #
- RT @UPIU: Whoa… looks like JayCut is back online. Sweet. #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-jzC9e #
- I just started playing Castle Crashers. http://ff.im/-jAvbV #
- Don't forget #collegejourn this Sunday at 8PM EST! It will be on Twitter and we'll be talking about newsroom workflow and the web #
- Photoshop CS5’s Lesser Known Enhancements http://ff.im/-jDaKr #
- "When I went to prison, it was the first time in my life that I stood out as a Jew. Jews are…" http://ff.im/-jDdpL #
- Inside Apple Computer's Walled Garden http://ff.im/-jDflL #
- Talking about http://www.saveoursafetynet.com/ right now. Helping keep adult lit. programs going sounds like a good cause. Check it out. #
- Gannett Blog: In farewell, Digital Chief Saridakis attacks pay wall strategy, saying: 'Industry going about it all… http://ff.im/-jGaqj #
- Don't forget #collegejourn chat tonight 8PM EST. we're talking about newsroom workflow. #
- Thanks to @BrianManzullo for tonight's topic for #collegejourn chat. Join us via Twitter using the hashtag #cjchat #
- Tonight's #collegejourn will be a Twitter chat. To max available characters use #cjchat – Join us tonight to talk about newsroom workflow #
- I'm tweeting in the #collegejourn chat about newsroom workflow tonight using my live account. Check out @AramZS on #cjchat #
- @shannonphilpott @beatpanda @davidtaint @kaitlynanness @khaughney @srubenfeld Join us for #collegejourn Twitter chatting on the #cjchat in reply to shannonphilpott #
- @ccduong Hope you'll join us tonight for #collegejourn chat on Twitter using hashtag #cjchat in reply to ccduong #
- Welcome to our first chat folks tonight @byersalex @emilyesmith @BrianManzullo #collegejourn #
- @davidtaint Right now
in reply to davidtaint #
- @saragregory @saleemkhan @TauhidChappell Welcome to tonight's #collegejourn chat! #
- @kaitlinflanigan @polarscribe Welcome to tonight's #collegejourn chat! #
- @NSlayton Welcome to the #collegejourn chat, we're talking about workflow in the newsroom in reply to NSlayton #
- @greglinch @williampd @danielbachhuber @ahemphill @laurenmichell we are talking about web workflow in the newsroom. Want to join in? #cjchat #
- RT @majorh There shouldn't be a Web vs. Print flow. Those r presentation layers. Ideally, there should only be a content/data flow. #cjchat #
- @Alexisgrant You should chime in too
- @kdawson Thanks for the mention re: #collegejourn chat in reply to kdawson #
- @greglinch Thanks! in reply to greglinch #
- RT @PlanetBBurg: Also…i anyone has a suggestion on how we could re-design our website, please let us know: http://bit.ly/ab9T6D
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